The Hard Work of Prayer

And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.         (Luke 22:44)

Prayer is the hard work of spiritual growth. We cannot expect to grow in relationship with another if we rarely talk to him or her. Even when we don’t feel like putting in the effort, we know we must if we value the relationship or want to see it grow. Our relationship with God is no different. Prayer is a way in which we strengthen our relationship with God, even when we don’t feel like praying. Prayer is hard work.

I read this verse from Luke’s gospel and find myself feeling so lame when it comes to the work of prayer. Clearly Jesus worked hard at prayer. I’m “too busy” to find time to pray. Jesus sweat drops of blood. I fall asleep.

Prayer connects us to the source of spiritual life and is vital to growing in our relationship with Christ. We simply cannot afford to neglect the hard work of prayer. May we be willing to put forth the effort and time knowing that God is faithful to meet us in the work of prayer.